Why Do We Do Pradakshinam Around God's statue ~ Bhakthi Visheshalu
Pradakshina, meaning and definitions:
Pra as an adjective means very much. Pra can also come as a prefix to verbs and take on the meaning of onward, forward.
Onward to Dakshinam or south is pradakshinam . When one does that , one's right side is facing the deity inside the garbhagraham and the circumambulation is Dakshinacharam or auspicous as recommended by the vedam . Alternative is Vaamacharam and it is taantric in character.
Unaadi sutras break up the word Dakshina into Daksh+inan , meaning as being situated in the South . Dakshina also means sincere, auspicious , dextrous and the Southern sacred fire (Dakshinagni , one of the three Vaidhigagnis ) used in Vedic sacrifices .
Yagyavalkya smruthi defines Pradakshinam as the act of circumambulation ,where one's right side is facing the object or person . Pradakshinam around the fire in Vedic marraiges, or Pradakshinam of a sacred hill like Thirumalai' or deity's garbha graham follows this rule to assure auspiciousness.